We take any complaints and concerns that we receive very seriously and aim to resolve them efficiently and speedily, the sooner you bring any concerns to our attention the sooner we will resolve them. Eden Windows will always comply fully with the terms and conditions of our contractual agreement and guarantee as we appreciate and value all our customers.
We want to:
- Acknowledge your complaint promptly.
- Advise you clearly who is investigating your complaint and provide you with a contact name and telephone number.
- Carry out a thorough investigation into the matters you have raised and implement the appropriate action.
- Ensure that all correspondence and communication is clear.
- Maintain contact until all rectification / remedial works are complete.
- We will enter the details of each contact on our database so that whoever may take your call will be aware of the situation and will be able to handle your calls efficiently

How to make a complaint
On receipt of your complaint, whether received by telephone, letter, email or fax, it will be investigated by our Customer Services Team and allocated to the most appropriate department / person to address and resolve the issue.
Gillingham Showroom
Gibraltar Farm, Ham Lane
Gillingham, Kent ME7 3JJ
Complaints Department
Eden Windows
Gibraltar Farm, Ham Lane
Gillingham, Kent ME7 3JJ
Tel: 01634 840999
Complaints can also be submitted using our online form which appears at the bottom of this page.
If we cannot reach agreement with you
How Long Will It Take?
We will aim to resolve your complaint straight away but if we can’t, we will contact you within 5 business days to tell you:
- Why we have not resolved your complaint
- Who is dealing with your complaint
- When we will contact you again.
We will usually resolve your complaint quickly but if it’s complex it may take longer. We will keep you informed on a regular basis but if you need an update please call us on the number above and ask to speak to the person dealing with your complaint.
Financial Services
Our aim is to resolve all credit brokerage related complaints internally, so we will:
- Send an email giving our reasons for the delay and an indication of when we expect to provide a final decision.
- Issue our final decision letter which will explain our final position.
However if after receiving our final position letter or 8 weeks have passed you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
If you want the FOS to look into your complaint you must contact them within six months of the date of our final decision letter.
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
Telephone: 0800 0234567
Further helpful information can be obtained from visiting their website at: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Eden Windows (Heathfield) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authourity. We act as the credit broker and not the lender. We are not paid any commissions by the lenders.
If your complaint relates to your finance agreement
If your complaint relates to the finance linked to your purchase you can still let us know about this, but we will forward it on to your credit provider.
They will acknowledge your complaint and investigate it thoroughly and issue their response within eight weeks.
Simply complete the form below. Please ensure you supply all the details of your complaint so we can take action as soon as possible.