3 Tips To Keep Your Home Energy Efficient This Winter

It has been a relatively mild winter so far, but it may have been a slightly chillier winter for those living in homes that are not fully energy efficient.

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Insufficient thermal efficiency causes homes to be more susceptible to the cold and cranking up the thermostat in response only results in sky high energy bills.

No-one should have to put up with living in such conditions and be forced into forking out a fortune on heating, not when it is so easy to improve insulation.

Take our 3 steps to a more energy efficient home

  1. Get new windows and doors fitted

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the heat that escapes from our living spaces does so through the windows and doors.

Some windows and doors are more likely to let a high volume of heat pass through them, namely traditional single glazed windows and doors.

Timber and single glazing are not a good mix in the present day. You need a more thermally insulating window material such as UPVC or aluminium and double glazing at the bare minimum. If finances allow, we recommend that you consider triple glazing for the very highest standard of thermal efficiency.

  1. Hit the “off” switch

We’re all guilty of this – leaving lights on in rooms that are not being used and failing to switch off appliances when there’s no need for them to be on.

We suggest that you get into the routine of walking round the entire house before preparing to leave it empty or going up to bed and checking that anything that can be turned off, is turned off! Otherwise, it’s just a waste of energy.

Even leaving your television on standby costs you money, so refrain from pressing that red button on your remote control instead of flicking the switch.

  1. Buy new appliances with a high energy rating

Speaking of appliances, you may have had your existing kettle, microwave, fridge etc. for many years and they may not be delivering the standard of energy efficiency that newer models can provide. You can check out Pittsburgh Appliance Repairs official if you want the best appliance repair services. 

An appliance that has an efficiency rating of A+ or above will utilise much less energy than one that has a much lower efficiency rating and will subsequently save you money.

It is an obligation that efficiency rating labels are displayed on all modern-day appliances, so that note of them when looking for a replacement appliance of any kind.

Eden excels when it comes to energy efficiency

Customers rightly expect the very best energy efficiency when buying new windows and doors for their home and Eden Windows has the products needed to deliver it.

Our Window & Door brochure will give you a full rundown of what we can offer, so request your copy now.


Everyone is welcome to come in and browse around our Gillingham Showroom in Kent, where our friendly sales team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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